Increasing the visibility of peer review contributions
New peer review tab and metrics dashboard
The Web of Science™ Author Profiles now display peer review journal counts and an expanded metrics dashboard showing both publication and review metrics. This enhancement is a step closer to providing a comprehensive view of a researcher’s working life — from peer review, to publication, to editorial work.
The metrics dashboard is also the new home of publication metrics such as the Author Impact Beamplot and times cited/publications over time. The dashboard enables in-depth, contextual evaluation of a researcher’s output and acts as a springboard to deeper citation analysis in the Citation Report.
Introducing open peer review content on Author Profiles
You can now view open peer review content in the Peer Review tab on Author Profiles. Two sections will be visible if the researcher has those content types in their profile:
Open publisher-invited reviews ─ those commissioned by a journal, usually before publication
Open community reviews ─ those initiated by the researcher usually for a pre-print or published paper
Clicking on the article title will take you to the corresponding article record page, where you will be able to read that review content if it has been made public. Reading peer review reports alongside final articles will help you better evaluate and understand the research you're reading.
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