Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) provides a clear roadmap over the next seven years to achieve the EOSC vision and objectives, namely to deliver an operational “Web of FAIR data and services” for science. EOSC, a pan-European infrastructure for Open Science, will provide an open and trusted environment for accessing and managing a wide range of publicly funded research data and other digital outputs, as well as related services. In so doing, it will transform how researchers access and share digital knowledge throughout the research lifecycle, helping European scientists reap the full benefits of data-driven science and giving Europe a global lead in both research data management and scientific progress. The SRIA results from a collective, forward-looking co-creation process to identify and prioritise complementary activities at EU, national, and institutional levels. Its content has been validated through wide consultation of EOSC stakeholders, including representatives of EU Member States and other countries associated to the EU R&I programme, research-performing and research-funding organisations, research infrastructures and e-infrastructures, research libraries and research associations. The report is available here.